
Fink 70's Revisited

                                                      photo by Anna Niedermeier

Silke Eberhard, Saxofon

Tilo Weber, Drums

Johannes Fink, 5-String-Cello


 Das geniale Trio verbindet auf virtuos spontane Weise Sensibilität, Humor und Sympathie.Egal wo wir spielen, das Publikum ist jedesmal begeistert! Finks Kompositionen beinhalten den Sound der 70er Jahre hin zu abstrakten Themen, welche durch die besondere Instrumentierung unter Anwendung freier Improvisation zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk vollendet werden.Saxophon, Cello und Schlagzeug bilden die perfekte Symbiose für dieses wunderbare Spektakel. 


This exceptional trio connects virtuosity, humor and spontaneity.Through the use of exciting instruments and the application of free improvisation, an immense musicpicture is constructed. Fink’s diverse compositions seamlessly blend 70s sound and more abstract sonic palettes. Saxophon, Cello and Drums work as natural complements creating a performance that is as unique as it is delightful.      

                                                     video by Jannis Bach

Fink Floyd

Johannes Fink, Cello

Rieko Okuda, Piano

Antti Virtaranta, Bass

Greg Smith, Drums

‚‚Ohh-ha - beautiful. Music that resonates with me and takes me into your world. This journey is sooo,,Oo good for me and leaves a lasting impression. Many thanks to you!

It’s a pleasure and an honor to work on and enjoy something so beautiful.

The more I think about it, it's actually hard to describe. It's almost like love.’’

W.Martens ,,Peppi Guggenheim’’

,,Playing with these outstanding musicians is an absolutely remarkable achievement based on the use of all our resources! An evening that will transport you to another world across the entire transcendental being!''

Johannes Fink

photo by Anna Niedermeier

20 000 Hour Band plays Duke Ellington

Rieko Okuda, Piano

Johannes Fink, Cello

Silke Eberhard, Sax

Nikolas Neuser, Trumpet

Gerhard Gschlössl, Trombone

Taiko Saito, Vibraphone

Antti Virtaranta, Bass

Flo Fischer, Drums


When we played in june with Fink Floyd in Panda Platforma Micha, one if the leader of the club invited us to his birthday (20000hours) in december also in panda. Rieko and me spontaneously decided to form a Duke Ellington cover band for that and it takes us not more than 2 minutes to decide who’s with us in the band, so clear was that! Some days later I realized that there we forgot to create a bandname, i thought, ok it’s only for one gig on a party and i decided to call it ,20000h-band‘. But i was no more sure if it’s 20000 or 30000h, so when i met Micha some days later he told it’s 20000 days!!! I thought 20000hour sounds better, so i leave the better sounding way!  

  photo: Roman Ekimov



Eli Khentov violin

Johannes Fink cello

Rudolfo Pacapelo bass

Isabel Anders piano


Instant Composing auf einem neuen Level.

Bevor ein neues Kompositorisches Werk erschaffen wurde, lag immer erst die Idee der Komposition zu Grunde, insofern unterscheidet es sich nur marginal in der Ausführung dieses Trios die Idee als Werk spontan auszudrücken. Der entscheidende Unterschied besteht jedoch darin, dass man nicht als einzelner Komponist, sondern gemeinsam im Quartett ein neues Werk erschafft. Durch die gemeinsame Spontanität gewinnt die Musik zusätzlich an Ausdruck.


Instant composing on a new level.

Before a new compositional work was created, the idea of the composition was always the basis, so it differs only marginally in the execution of this trio to spontaneously express the idea as a work. The big difference is that you don't create a new work as an individual composer, but together as a quartet. The music gains additional expression through common spontaneity.


photos: I.Anders: Cristina Marx, J.Fink: Anna Niedermeier, E.Khentov/ R.Pacapelo: Sergej Haudring

                                                           creativ producer and editor Marlena Friesel

Der Moment

                                                                                                                     photo by J.Rosenbauer

Gerhard Gschlößl, Posaune

Johannes Fink, Cello

Matthias Rosenbauer, Drums

,,Das New-Jazz-Programm von Der Moment liegt auf einer ähnlichen Linie der unbekümmerten Stilmischung von moderner Tradition und Avantgarde. Die drei sind ein echt gleichberechtigtes Kollektiv mit einer Vorliebe für humorig-ausgepuffte Themen, die in immer neuen abgedrehten Rhythmen daherkommen. Raffinierte Arrangements wechseln mit risikofreudigen Interaktionen. Spielwitz und Spielfreude feiern munter heitere Urstände…’’ RONDO